Paperwork: In order to be as environmentally friendly as possible, we will have you sign one laminated sheet with all the signatures necessary. We then scan this into your computer file and erase the sheet. The technician will go over your history with you verbally, so that we can have a conversation about all aspects of your health. Our exams are mostly paper free.
Insurance information: Please indicate any vision and medical insurances that you may have.
Eyeglasses: Please bring all pairs of eyeglasses that you currently use, including prescription glasses, reading glasses and sunglasses, so we can see how your vision has changed over time. We can also evaluate the fit and condition of your current eyewear and make any repairs or adjustments, if necessary. We accept donations of glasses no longer in use and will pass them on to those in need.
Contact Lenses: Please bring your contact lenses, including any packaging you may have.
Eye drops, contact solutions, ointments: Please bring anything that you put into your eyes. Your doctor will review whether these are appropriate or if there is a better option for you.
Extra Time: Please feel free to come in at your convenience or prior to your exam to choose your frames, as your vision may be a bit blurry and light sensitive after your exam.